THE Technical Committee

John Priegert


Shihan, Renshi - Shibucho

Warren Rafferty


Shihan, Renshi

Donna Gardecki


Shihan, Renshi

Rob Richardson


Shihan, Renshi

Dana Nawata


Kieran O'Doherty


The technical and traditional side of IKGA Canada is managed by an appointed Technical Committee drawn from the pool of senior black belt members, and chaired by a designated director, who is also a Board member.

The Technical Committee maintains the technical standards of the style by visiting member clubs for training, publishing uniform grading standards and a training manual, governing the gradings for black belt ranks, and approving instructors to the Instruction Committee.

The traditional behaviour of the style is maintained by example and discussion, plus approving trips to Japan or other countries for training and international experience. Instructors are approved by and act under the guidance of the Technical Committee.